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Assam Public Works V. Union Of India, Writ Petition (Civ.Il) No.274 Of 2009


Whether the Citizenship Act is being complied with in implementing the NRC?


The court referred to Rule 4A of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Card) Rules 2003 which carves out special provisions in the matter of preparation of the National Register of Indian Citizens in the State of Assam.

All persons of Indian origin who had come to Assam before the 1st of January 1966 from specified territories before the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 1985 are deemed to be citizens of India.

All persons who entered Assam between the 1st of January 1966 and 25th of March 1971 and who have been ordinarily resident in Assam, upon being detected as a foreigner and registering themselves in accordance with the Rules made by the Central Government have the same rights and obligations as a citizen of India except the right to be included on electoral rolls for a period of 10 years.

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Sarbananda Sonowal v. Union Of India, Writ Petition (civil) 131 of 2000

SARBANANDA SONOWAL V. UNION OF INDIA Sarbananda Sonowal v. Union Of India, Writ Petition (civil) 131 of 2000 ISSUE: Whether the IMDT act is constitutionally valid? RULE: The provisions of the IMDT act are very stringent as compared to those of the Foreigners Act in the matters of detection and deportation of illegal migrants. The...

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