Trace Your Case

General Rules of Transfer

Probodh Kumar Das v. The Dantamara Tea Co. Ltd. AIR 1940 PC 1


Whether Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, allows a transferee in possession under an unregistered contract of sale to assert ownership rights actively?

Whether Section 53A can confer an actionable right to the transferee to challenge the rights of a subsequent transferee with a registered title?


Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (“TP Act”), protects a transferee in possession under an unregistered contract of sale from being dispossessed by the transferor or any person claiming under them.

Section 53A of the TP Act is a defensive provision and does not grant any active title or right to sue upon the transferee.

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General Rules of Transfer

R Kempraj v. Barton Son & Co. AIR 1970 SC 1872


Whether an option granted to a lessee to renew a lease, initially for a period of 10 years, after every 10 years is void as being hit by the rule of perpetuity?


The rule against perpetuity, codified under Section 14 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, does not apply to an option for renewal in a lease agreement, as these rights do not create an interest in the property.

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Arbitrability General Rules of Transfer

Vidya Drolia v. Durga Trading [Supreme Court, 14 December 2020]


Whether landlord-tenant issues covered by the Transfer of Property Act 1882, are arbitrable under Indian law, and how does the Supreme Court's four-part test influence this determination?

Whether claims of fraud in a dispute constitute it non-arbitrable, and under what conditions do such allegations influence a disagreement's arbitrability?


In India, a four-part test is used to evaluate subject matter arbitrability. When the cause of action and/or subject of the dispute (1) relates to actions in rem that do not relate to inferior rights in personam arising from rights in rem, (2) has an erga omnes effect on third-party rights, necessitating centralised adjudication where mutual adjudication would be inappropriate, (3) involves unalienable sovereign and public interest functions of the State, or (4) is expressly or implicitly prohibited, the dispute is not considered arbitrable.

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General Rules of Transfer

Zoroastrian Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd v. District Registrar Co-Op Societies (Urban) (2005) 5 SCC 632


Whether the byelaw restricting membership to Parsis was valid?


The Co-operative Societies Act provides that no society shall, without sufficient cause, refuse admission to and person duly qualified under the provisions of the Act and its byelaws.
In the case of a housing society, there should be a bond of common habits and common usage among the members. This bond is found most in community or caste groups in India.
The concept of public policy in the present context must be looked for under the Act and, in the absence of any such provision, it cannot be held that the byelaws are opposed to public policy.

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General Rules of Transfer

K. Muniswamy v. K. Venkataswamy AIR 2001 Kant. 246


Whether Section 10 of the Transfer of Property Act would apply in the present case?
Whether the stipulation laid down by the parents creates an absolute estate or a limited estate?


In India, there exist various personal laws classified on religion that govern personal matters such as the partition of property.
There exists an absolute estate in favour of the parents as they should enjoy the property in any way they like till their death.

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General Rules of Transfer

Ma Yait v. The Official Assignee (1930) 32 BomLR 125


Whether the rights given to the son were similar to an heir-apparent succeeding to an estate?
Whether the right to sue was given to the son?


The settlement is a well ascertained form of property. It has been transferred in India for generations.
It is possible to raise money and dispose of such property in any way that the beneficiary chooses.

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General Rules of Transfer

Rajes Kanta Roy v. Santi Debi AIR 1957 SC 255


Whether Santi Debi should be entitled to the monthly maintenance?
Whether Santi Debi can execute the previous sale deed?
Whether Rajes’ objections regarding the marriage between Santi Debi and Rabindra are valid?


The interest in the present deed was a contingent one, it would be vested only once the contingency of the deed ceases, and this would be only if either the dues specified in the deed were discharged or if the interest of the deed were to cease.

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