Trace Your Case

Board Meetings

Maharashtra Power Development Corporation v. Dabhol Power, (2004) 120 Com Cases 560 (Bom)


Whether the appeal was maintainable?

Whether a petition under Section 397 can be filed on account of a single act of oppression?

Whether oppression must be of minority shareholders by majority shareholders?


An irregular or illegal action is not per se oppressive but the illegality of action may have a bearing upon its oppressiveness.

A resolution passed by the directors may be perfectly legal and yet oppressive, and conversely, a resolution that is in contravention of the law may be in the interests of the shareholders and the company.

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Board Meetings

T.M. Paul (Dr.) v. City Hospital (P.) Ltd., (1999) 97 Com Cases 216


Whether civil courts can interfere with the internal management of a company?

When is the notice for a board meeting considered to be served?
Whether resolutions can be passed on matters not listed on the agenda of the notice of meeting of board of directors?

Is it a duty on the director, who has personal interests in a contract/agreement being entered into by the company, to disclose such interests at the board meeting?


It is imperative for a director to be well rehearsed with the ambit of his/her duties especially with regard to meetings of the board as they display a responsibility towards all members.

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