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Dispute settlement IDA

State of Madras v. CP Sarathy (1953) 1 LLJ 174 (SC), AIR 1953 SC 53


Whether the Government’s reference under Section 10(1)(c) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, was valid despite not specifying the exact disputes or the parties involved?

Whether an industrial dispute existed or was apprehended in relation to Prabhat Talkies, making it subject to the Tribunal’s award?


A reference under Section 10(1) is an administrative act, not a judicial or quasi-judicial determination. The Government is not required to ascertain or specify the precise disputes before making a reference; it need only form an opinion that an industrial dispute exists or is apprehended. The validity of such a reference cannot be questioned merely because it lacks detailed particulars.

An industrial dispute is not confined to actual disputes between individual employers and employees. A collective dispute raised by a trade union on behalf of workers in an industry can justify a reference, even if some establishments claim no internal discord. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction extends to settling such disputes affecting the industry as a whole.

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Dispute settlement IDA

Engineering Mazdoor Sabha v. Hind Cycles (1962) 2 LLJ 760 (SC)


Whether an arbitrator appointed under Section 10A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, is a "tribunal" under Article 136 of the Constitution, allowing appeals to the Supreme Court?

Whether the arbitrator under Section 10A exercises judicial power derived from the State or merely acts based on party agreement?


A tribunal under Article 136 must be invested with the State’s judicial power. An arbitrator under Section 10A derives authority solely from the agreement between parties, not from any statutory delegation of judicial functions. His power to adjudicate exists because the parties voluntarily submit to his decision, not because the law vests him with adjudicatory authority.

The "trappings of a court"—such as procedural safeguards, evidence-taking, and binding decisions—are insufficient to confer tribunal status. A tribunal must exercise judicial power on behalf of the State, whereas an arbitrator under Section 10A merely acts within a contractual framework recognized by law.

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Dispute settlement IDA

The Management, Hotel Imperial v. Hotel Workers Union, AIR 1959 SC 1342


Whether an employer has the right to suspend a workman without pay pending permission from the Industrial Tribunal under Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?

Whether the Industrial Tribunal has the power to grant interim relief in the form of wages to workmen during the period of suspension?


Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act fundamentally alters the ordinary law of master and servant by imposing a statutory ban on immediate dismissal, compelling the employer to seek permission from the Tribunal. In these peculiar circumstances, it is just and fair that an employer, having completed a proper inquiry and decided to dismiss, should have the implied power to suspend the contract of employment, thereby relieving himself of the obligation to pay wages and the workman of the duty to render service. If permission is granted, the contract comes to an end from the date of suspension; if refused, the workman is entitled to full wages for the period of suspension.

The words "incidental thereto" in Section 10(4) empower the Tribunal to grant interim relief even if not expressly mentioned in the reference. Interim relief need not be coextensive with the final relief but must be just and fair in the circumstances. While an interim award may require publication, the absence of such publication does not preclude this Court from granting appropriate relief in its discretion.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Indian Railway Construction Company Limited v. Ajay Kumar (2003) 4 SCC 579


Whether the dismissal of the employee without holding an inquiry was justified under the circumstances?

Whether the employer’s decision to dispense with the inquiry was subject to judicial review?

Whether the plea of ‘loss of confidence’ by the employer was a valid ground for dismissal?


Dispensing with an Inquiry: The disciplinary authority can dispense with an inquiry only if it records reasons demonstrating that holding an inquiry is "not reasonably practicable." A mere assertion is insufficient; there must be tangible material indicating that an inquiry would be obstructed by threats, coercion, or non-cooperation of witnesses.

Judicial Review of Administrative Discretion: Courts do not act as appellate authorities over administrative decisions but may intervene if the decision is vitiated by "illegality, irrationality, or procedural impropriety." The focus is on whether there was a reasonable basis for dispensing with the inquiry, not whether the court would have arrived at a different conclusion.

Loss of Confidence Doctrine: When misconduct affects an employer’s "faith in the integrity and reliability" of an employee, particularly in a public-facing role, dismissal can be justified even without an inquiry. Courts will not force reinstatement where continued employment is "detrimental to discipline and operational efficiency."

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

The Workmen of M/s. Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. of India P. Ltd. v. The Management, AIR 1973 SC 1227


Whether Section 11A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, applies to disputes referred before its enactment?

Whether the Tribunal has the authority under Section 11A to reassess evidence and modify the punishment imposed by an employer?

Whether an employer, who has not conducted a proper domestic inquiry, can justify the dismissal of a workman by adducing fresh evidence before the Tribunal?


Section 11A does not apply retrospectively. A provision altering substantive rights cannot operate retrospectively unless clearly intended by the legislature. Section 11A fundamentally changes the Tribunal’s role by conferring the power to reappraise evidence and substitute its own judgment, which was previously unavailable. No express language or necessary implication in the statute justifies its retrospective application.

The Tribunal now has the authority to reassess findings of misconduct and alter punishment. Under Section 11A, the Tribunal is no longer bound by the employer’s conclusions. It must satisfy itself on the evidence and determine both guilt and the appropriateness of punishment, independent of managerial discretion.

An employer may justify dismissal by adducing fresh evidence if no proper domestic inquiry was conducted. If an inquiry is absent or defective, the Tribunal must consider the evidence before it and determine whether the dismissal was justified. Section 11A does not alter the employer’s right to present such evidence.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Dena Bank v. Ghanshyam, AIR 2001 SC 2270


Whether Ghanshyam, engaged as a personal driver, was a "workman" under the Industrial Disputes Act?

Whether the High Court could direct payment of regular wages instead of the “full wages last drawn” under Section 17-B during the pendency of the writ petition?


The status of a "workman" is determined by the actual nature of duties performed, not merely by designation or the mode of appointment. If the employment involves duties of a workman, the protections of the Industrial Disputes Act apply.

Section 17-B guarantees only the last drawn wages to a workman during the pendency of proceedings, but it does not curtail the inherent powers of the High Court to grant a higher relief if the circumstances of the case so warrant.

The power of judicial review permits the High Court to balance equities by imposing conditions on a stay order, ensuring that relief granted does not frustrate the rights of either party.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Remington Rand of India Ltd. v. The Workmen, AIR 1968 SC 224


Whether the failure to publish the award within the 30-day period under Section 17(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act renders it invalid and unenforceable?

Whether the Tribunal erred in revising the wage scales by equating the Kerala branch with the Madras Regional Office without evidence of comparable concerns?


The provision in Section 17(1) prescribing a 30-day period for publication is directory and not mandatory. The legislative intent is to ensure timely publication, but failure to do so does not vitiate the award. The absence of a penalty for delayed publication and the potential for undue hardship to parties indicate that strict compliance is not essential to the award’s validity.

Revision of wages requires evidence of comparable concerns and financial viability. A tribunal cannot assume parity across branches without proof that the work performed, economic conditions, and employer capacity are substantially similar.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Scooters India Limited v. Labour Court, AIR 1989 SC 149


Whether the Labour Court had the jurisdiction to interfere with the termination despite upholding the validity of the disciplinary inquiry?

Whether the Labour Court acted judicially in exercising its discretion under Section 6(2A) to reinstate the workman with 75% back wages?


Labour Court’s Power Under Section 6(2A): The Labour Court, even after finding the inquiry fair and charges proved, has the discretion to interfere with the punishment if it deems the termination disproportionate. Judicial discretion must be exercised not arbitrarily but in the interests of justice, ensuring the punishment is not excessive.

Principle of Proportionality in Punishment: The Labour Court is empowered to substitute dismissal with a lesser penalty where justice demands it. The court must balance discipline with fairness, recognizing that an employee should not suffer a punishment harsher than warranted by the circumstances.

Justice Tempered with Mercy: Judicial review in labour matters extends beyond procedural validity; it encompasses considerations of equity, fairness, and reformation. The Labour Court may set aside termination if it finds reinstatement serves the broader interests of justice, ensuring an opportunity for the workman to reform.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Sirsilk Ltd. v. Govt. of A.P., AIR 1964 SC 160


Whether the publication of an industrial award under Section 17(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, is mandatory, or can it be withheld in special circumstances?

Whether a binding settlement under Section 18(1) can prevent the publication of an award that would otherwise become binding under Section 18(3)?


Mandatory Nature of Section 17(1): The Supreme Court held that, as a general rule, the Government is bound to publish an award within 30 days of receipt under Section 17(1), reinforcing its mandatory nature. However, this mandate is not absolute and must be reconciled with other provisions of the Act.

Reconciliation with Section 18(1): The Court ruled that when a binding settlement under Section 18(1) is reached before publication, the award becomes redundant, and the Government must withhold publication to avoid unnecessary industrial conflict.

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Procedure Power and duties under IDA

Dena Bank v. Kiritikumar T. Patel, AIR 1998 SC 511


Whether "full wages last drawn" under Section 17-B of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, means wages at the time of termination or wages that would have been drawn at the time of reinstatement?

Whether the High Court erred in directing payment of revised wages under subsequent bipartite settlements instead of wages last drawn?


The expression "full wages last drawn" in Section 17-B must be given its plain and material meaning—wages actually drawn at the time of termination. It does not extend to increments, revised pay scales, or benefits that would have accrued had the workman remained in service. Expanding its meaning would amount to enforcing the award during the pendency of proceedings, which is not the legislative intent.

Section 17-B provides a limited statutory right to mitigate hardship, not to grant the full relief of reinstatement before adjudication is complete. Since payments made under Section 17-B are not recoverable if the award is later set aside, requiring employers to pay wages beyond those last drawn would impose an undue burden without final adjudication.

While constitutional courts retain discretionary powers, Section 17-B does not permit denial of statutory wages last drawn. However, higher payments may be ordered in exceptional cases, subject to conditions for refund or recovery.

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