Whether Anganwadi workers considered as holders of a “civil post” under the State, thus entitling them to certain employment rights and benefits?
Whether the State is liable to pay minimum wages to those working under a project such as Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS)?
Anganwadi workers do not hold a “civil post” under the State and hence, their application under Section 15 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985, is not maintainable.
The State is not liable to pay minimum wages to those working under a project, unless the same is specified within the schedule of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Not all employees who fall under the purview of Article 12 (defines the state, including state governments and state legislatures) are government employees.
Employees working under a programme controlled by the State cannot take advantage of Article 311 (safeguards for civil servants against arbitrarily dismissal, removal, etc.) by that reason alone.