Trace Your Case


ACC Rajanka Lime Stone Quarries Mazdoor Union v. Registrar of Trade Unions AIR 1958 Pat 470


  • Whether the Registrar of Trade Unions had a duty to register a trade union within a reasonable time frame?


  • Where the Registrar takes no action on an application for more than 3 months, a writ under Art. 226 can be issued commanding the Registrar to deal with the application”.


  • The ACC Rajanka Lime Stone Quarries Mazdoor Union (the Union) was formed by workers employed at the ACC Rajanka Lime Stone Quarries in Jhinkpani, Bihar.
  • On July 31, 1957, the Union applied for registration under the Trade Unions Act, 1926.
  • The Registrar of Trade Unions (the Registrar) did not take any action on the application for over two months.On September 23, 1957, the Union sent a reminder to the Registrar.
  • On October 15, 1957, the Union filed a petition with the High Court of Bihar, seeking a writ of mandamus to compel the Registrar to register the Union or to refuse to register it within a reasonable time frame.


  • The Registrar of Trade Unions has a duty to register a trade union within a reasonable time frame.
  • The court reasoned that the right to form trade unions is a fundamental right under Article 19(1)(c) of the Constitution of India.
  • The court also noted that the Trade Unions Act, 1926, does not specify a time frame for the Registrar to register a trade union.
  • The court held that the delay of over two months by the Registrar in taking any action on the Union’s application was unreasonable.
  • The court ordered the Registrar to register the Union within two weeks of the receipt of the court’s order.
  • The Registrar complied with the court’s order and registered the Union on October 15, 1957.